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Sierra brought up to my attention that I neglect this blog and only post on Skylar Shea Shorts. Whoops! well here we go! oh and ciara, you forgot to change your font color homie.

Ok, so I have been in school for 3 weeks and New Orleans for one month! wow, time flies by, doesn't it? I have met so many wonderful people and done so many different things already. I actually feel awful when I am cooped up in my room all day...like hello? I'm in New Orleans! ha ha. School is pretty cool, but it is the last thing on my mind. I really do believe that track grounded me for the past 3 years, without it, I feel like I have nothing to hold me down. Although, I say that school is the last thing on my mind, it is not my nature to do poorly. So I will probably still crank out A's and B's. I'm taking History of New Orleans (surprisingly my least favorite class), Intro to film (it is full of freshman) Performance for the camera (stepping outside my comfort zone) and sociology of race (probably one of the best classes I have ever taken). Some days after I am done with class, I just hop onto the next bus and sees where it takes me. It's like a tour of the city for only $1.25. :)

I have found a great group of people that I call my friends. Most of them are from the same program that I am (national student exchange) They come from all parts of the country and have the same drive as me to experience as much as possible in 4 months. We have become fans of daquaries, beignets, po-boys and live music on Frenchmen street. In Chico, I am usually am surrounded by all my girls (shout out to y'all), but here I have more guy friends than girls, so that in itself is a big change.

The first NFL game was this thursday and the Saints played Vikings! As I walked to my first class, all I could see was a sea of black and gold. Everyone, and I mean Everyone was wearing a jersey or Who Dat shirt...even the teachers. Downtown there was a Saint's parade where I got about 10 pounds worth of beads. We headed down to Jackson square where Taylor Swift and the Dave Mathews band put on a free concert. There were soooo many people down there, it was NUTS! A few of us stayed downtown to watch the game and we found a bar called Lazizza. Everytime the Saint's scored a touchdown, the DJ would put on that ying yang song on and everyone would yell "WHO DAT!" and give everyone high fives. I have never in my life seen so much city spirit, even the buses say "go saints" on the front. The whole day was amazing.

Another great experience I had down here was Aug 29, the 5th anniversary of Katrina. I have no family or friend ties to Katrina, but I feel obligated to become involved in the re-building of New Orleans. On August 29, I went to the lower ninth ward with some friends to march from that area to a park downtown. The atmosphere of the entire event was heartwarming. I was expecting a sense of hatred toward the government and tears over people and things lost, but instead I saw sense of family and community. Instead of crying, hundreds of people sang, clapped and danced. As we passed by the many houses with X’s on them, we joyfully waved to the people inside to come out and join the celebration. Even though the people in the lower ninth ward are still struggling for justice of their community, during the march, no one sulked; we all celebrated the human race. “I am, because we are”

A couple of days ago I skyped Francesca and sierra surprised me by being there too! :) I also was able to talk to Bonnie that day too! So anyone with Skype who wants to chat I am ALWAYS down. My user name is Skydawg0027...let's make a date! Ok, I will leave you with some pictures. I am horrible remembering everything I have done. This is a lesson to me that I should update this more often so ya'll have a fun time reading this damn blog. And FINALLY miss Brandy Reed is leaving for her grand adventure in a few days. She has had the longest summmmer ever!

thinking of everyone.

Much Love,



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